Saturday, November 6, 2010

3 Weeks Old!!

Day 21

Emma is 3 weeks old today!  I cannot believe it has been three weeks since she came into our lives; it feels like just yesterday.  We are so blessed to have her and time has just been flying by. 

There has been a lot of activity in the last couple days (and most of it good news!).  Emma has been doing a little bit better with her respiratory issues.  She still desaturates frequently, but she generally recovers by herself without much intervention.  She was started on steroids to help her lungs develop (just a three day treatment).  This is in addition to the steroids that Mom received before Emma was born.  She still has a lot of secretions in her mouth and throat since she can't swallow but has the tubes in her mouth, so the doctors are doing a culture to see if there is another infection in there, just to be safe.  Today, they changed out her ventilation tube to a slightly larger one since she has had the same one in since birth and there can be some build up after awhile.  After speaking with the nurse tonight, it sounds like Emma is doing much better!  They were able to decrease her pressure and oxygen so she needs a little less support from the ventilator, which is all great news.  Of course, we know this is a roller coaster but we are very thankful for the good days. 

Emma's feeds were also increased to 4 mL/hour!  She went up and down with her weight so she's now at 580 grams. 

She had a great visit with our good friend Vicki today, who brought Mom & Dad a yummy gift basket.  Thank you, Vicki!! 

Emma wanted to say hello to her honorary Uncle John and show her support for Elk River FD:

Emma also wanted to show off her blanket from the Fausts.  It has been keeping her Mom and Dad warm and they wanted to share some of the coziness with her:

Emma has a big day tomorrow so stay tuned!


  1. Yay for good news! And I can't wait to see my niece today!!!

  2. Happy 3-week birthday Emma!! Love your special blankie! We'll be sure that Kathy sees the pictures -- she'll be so happy it's keeping Emma, mommy and daddy cozy! God bless!
    Love, Lalena, Bob, Julia, and Emily
