Tuesday, November 2, 2010

26 Weeks!

Day 17

Emma is 26 weeks corrected age today (aka her gestational age).  She had some ups and downs again today but seems to be doing better now.  She frequently "de-sats" which is when there's not enough oxygen in her blood.  The doctors took a chest x-ray to rule out any infection in her lungs, and noticed that her ventilation tube was not positioned correctly.  The nurses adjusted her tube and Emma started doing much better.  It's amazing that moving the tube half a centimeter could make a huge difference in her breathing.  But she's such a little peanut that half a centimeter is a big deal!  The doctors took another chest x-ray tonight to make sure everything looks good.  Also, there was not an infection in her lungs, which is great because she is very susceptible to infections due to her prematurity.  Hopefully Emma continues to do better with her new chest tube. 

Emma gained 20 grams tonight!  She is up to 570 grams now!  Go Emma! 

She was all snuggled in to the blankies Mom and Dad brought her - these are her favorites - pink monkeys are the best!! =)

1 comment:

  1. We are so happy about Emma's progress! She is an absolute beauty and a perfect little angel! We will be praying that she gets stronger and stronger every day. The blog is great and we'll be following along this journey with you. We love you!! Lalena, Bob, Julia, and Emily Faust
