Sunday, February 13, 2011

Slowly but Surely

Day 120

Emma is still making slow but steady progress.  She is now getting the bottle three out of four feedings (bottle-bottle-bottle-gavage).  She has been getting a little bit tired from this, so they may decide to go back to bottle-bottle-gavage.  Bottle feeding is still a lot of work for her but she is getting stronger every day. 

She got her second round of immunizations today and was very brave - only cried for a minute!  Although it seems that she has definitely found her voice over the last few days.  She has been getting much fussier and staying awake longer - just in time for her to come home!  We knew we would have our hands full, but we're still very glad that she is getting stronger.  We've always known Emma has been a feisty one! 

She has been gaining weight like a champ and is up to 3090 grams - 6 pounds, 13 ounces! 

I know everyone is eager for Emma to come home, but there is never going to be a definite date set for her homecoming.  She will just come home when she is ready...


  1. Love all these pics of baby & daddy, so sweet! Emma has daddy's big blue eyes too! She changes in every new post and is looking so strong and alert. Much love to all of you! oxoxox
