Wednesday, February 2, 2011

Breathing Easy

Day 109

Hi!  Notice anything different about me?

That's right..............  no more oxygen!!!!!!!!! 

Emma has officially kicked the cannula and is breathing all on her own!  She just turned things around over the last couple of days and decided she didn't need those tubes anymore.  The cannula came off last night and she has been doing great ever since!!!  Goooooooooo Emma!!!! 


  1. Keep progressing, Emma<3 What a miracle; what a cutie<3

    Love, the Pisani clan

  2. Ohhh, SOOO happy for you and for this beautiful little angel! Emma continues to be so strong -- hooray for her fighting spirit!! BIG hugs and kisses! oxoxox

  3. Yeah Emma! Happy to hear all the good news and that you are starting to see the light at the end of the tunnel. She's adorable! I love her chubby little body. :)


  4. Way to go, Emma! You look so cute!

  5. hey! Looks like Grandma Karen!
