Sunday, December 4, 2011

Lights, Camera, Action!

We haven't given an update on how Emma is doing lately, but everything is going great with her.  She was a little over 16 lbs. at her last check-up which her doctor is just fine with.  She is right on track for her length, and her weight gain has probably slowed down a little since she's on the move so much!  But she's definitely still growing, which is all that matters.  We were given the ok to start transitioning her to whole milk, and she has been eating more and more table foods too.  We're having lots of fun with all these new adventures!  

We are definitely in the Christmas spirit around here!  Emma has been tolerating her paparazzi this weekend like a champ.

1 comment:

  1. How about if you just wrap up Emma and put her under my tree??! These pics are so much fun to look at -- she's looking more and more like her daddy, I think...sooooo cute!!
