Saturday, November 27, 2010

Holy Cannoli!

Day 42

Emma is 6 weeks old today and continues to amaze us all.  Yesterday they tried on her on the nasal cannula and she is doing great!!!  She just skipped right past the CPAP and is basically on just oxygen with only a little pressure.  We cannot believe how fast she is progressing and how wonderfully she continues to do.  Emma's nurse thought she was doing great on the SiPAP at the reduced rate so she decided to ask the doctors if they could try her on the cannula.  They agreed and thought it would just be for a few hours to see how she handled it.  Well, it's been over 24 hours and she is doing great.  She had one brady last night (where her heart rate got a little too low) but that's it.  She's been satting great and still feisty as ever, if not more so.  The nurses have compared her to a rock climber, gymnast, and Rockette, among other things, due to all her activity in her isolette.  Mom and Dad are in trouble! 

Emma also gained another 30 grams last night and is up to 860, despite our prediction that she might lose a little bit.  She's still around the 1 pound, 14 ounce mark, but just 47 more grams until she's two pounds! 

Her nose was still a little smushed up from the mask for the SiPAP in these pictures from yesterday, but the last two are from today and she is back to normal. 


  1. In every one of these beautiful pictures, Emma looks so peaceful and so content. Happy 6 week birthday, little angel! oxoxox

  2. Hooray! You are so awesome, Emma!

  3. Horray for Emma!!! Love the way you manage to hang over the edge of your little mattress. You sure do make yourself comfortable. So content all the time. Matt and Kristen-----beware,she is going to keep you very,very busy. Best get your rest now!!!! Emma sure does love to be with Mommy and Daddy----soooo content!!
