Friday, November 26, 2010

Happy Thanksgiving!!!

Day 41

Happy Thanksgiving everyone!  I know it's been a couple days since the last blog post, but no news is good news - Emma is still doing great!  She is still on the SiPAP and they lowered her rate on it as well (the frequency of air that is pushed into her lungs for extra support).  She has needed a little bit more oxygen since her rate was lowered, but overall it is still pretty low.  Now the next step to look forward to is the CPAP! 

Yesterday we had a great visit with Emma before the Thanksgiving festivities commenced.  Mom got to kangaroo and Emma did so well with it - her sats kept getting better and better!  We had a great time.

We had been telling Emma all week about Thanksgiving and how we were going to celebrate.  Well apparently she did not want to be left out of all the traditional feasting and subsequent weight gain, because she gained 110 grams last night and is now 830 grams!!!!!!  That's 1 pound, 14 ounces!  We could not believe it.  We were even a little concerned that it was too much, too quickly and she might be retaining fluids, but she is not puffy and her lungs were clear.  She has still been pooping up a storm so we know it's not her digestive tract either.  The last few days she had been up and down on her weight, but definitely made up for it last night!  We wouldn't be surprised if she dropped a little bit over the next few days since that was such a large gain, but it's pretty funny that she gained so much at the same time the rest of us probably did too!  =) 

On Wednesday, Emma was visited by Grandma and Grandpa and their dear friend Larry.  Emma was on her back and wide awake, and was very excited to see everyone.  She put on quite a show! 

Emma has also been causing quite a bit of trouble lately.  The last few nights, she has been turning herself from one side to the other.  If she is positioned on her tummy or on her side, she flips herself over to face the other way!  It may not seem like too big of a deal, but it's impressive for a very tiny baby with lots of tubes positioned on her head.  And last night, the nurse told us that she pulled out her feeding tube three times!  The biggest surprise was when we visited  her on Wednesday and the nurse told us that somehow Emma had gotten out of her diaper and flung it to the end of her isolette, and then was just hanging out with her bare tushy up in the air and arms folded underneath her.  She is such a little troublemaker!!  We definitely are going to have our hands full with this little lady. 

We hope everyone had a wonderful Thanksgiving!! 


  1. What great news! Happy to hear that Emma is progressing each day. Hope you had great Thanksgiving!


  2. What a wonderful Thanksgiving Blessing!!! Emma is one awesome little girl. You're right,Kristen,you will have your hands full with that little girl when she starts to romp. She is an incredible baby!!! So happy that you had a great Thanksgiving. Love,Karen

  3. Emma, we certainly count you foremost among our many, many blessings this year. We're so very thankful for your wonderful progress--everything from your growth in inches and ounces to your amazing feats of strength. And you make us laugh with your cute little faces and, yes, your diaper-flinging "Who did that? Wasn't me!" antics. Good thing your guardian angel never takes a nap because you ARE a force to be reckoned with! We love you! oxoxox
