Well, Emma has officially reached another milestone - her first broken bone! A little over a week ago, our little monkey was jumping on bed and just happened to land wrong on the bed. She cried quite a bit at first and Matt diagnosed her with a broken bone, so off to the ER we went. Emma stopped crying in the car on the way there, and seemed to snap out of it, so we second-guessed ourselves for a bit but decided to still have her checked out. She seemed perfectly fine while we waited and she made friends with all the nurses. While we hung out, we told Emma quite a few times that there would be no more monkeys jumping on the bed, which of course made her jump on the hospital bed! She was laughing and having fun, so imagine our surprise when the X-ray came back positive for a broken bone after all. Emma is quite a tough cookie!

Luckily, the left arm is broken and Emma seems to be heading toward being a righty, so she has adapted well. And the break is not near a growth plate or anything like that, so there shouldn't be any long-term complications.
Emma got all splinted up, and the next day we went to an orthopedist to have her cast done. The nice receptionist gave Emma a goody bag which had some cool new shades!
Emma was back to playing and being her silly self as soon as we got home. We go back in a couple weeks for a follow-up, and they'll probably change the cast to another one that goes below the elbow to the wrist. Never a dull moment with this one!! :)
Gee, we remember spending several growing-up years with a couple of "Flying Wallendas" wannabes (ahem) - could there be a connection here? Sending hugs & kisses for Emma's speedy recovery! oxox