Daddy celebrated a birthday a few weeks ago, and Emma helped him blow out the candles!
She wore a new outfit just for him.
And even helped try out one his presents! Yep, it fits!
We're still having lots of fun with the solid foods. So far, Emma has tried avocado, banana, sweet potato, peas, carrots, green beans, oatmeal, acorn squash, apples, butternut squash, and peaches. Yum!!
Have you heard about the new squash facial? It's all the rage. It will make you look months younger!
Jumperooing in the rainforest.
Emma is up to 11 pounds, 6 ounces as of Wednesday and is doing great!
Hooray for 11 pounds +! It's wonderful to see how great Emma looks, she's so adorable, and she seems to LOVE wearing her dinner! Definitely Daddy's girl, too. We love you guys and can't wait to visit again. oxoxox