So here is what else that has been going on:
Emma still loves to take cuddly naps.
But she also likes to be awake and play.
She loves her grandparents and made a special trip to hang out with Grandma and Grampa R. on Grampa's birthday.
Emma turned SIX MONTHS old on April 16th! We couldn't believe it and neither could she.
She doesn't want to grow up!
And she is not always a big fan of playing dress up, no matter how cute she looks.
But cuddly naps and grandparents make everything better!
She loved hanging out with Memere and Grampa G!
And, we celebrated Emma's first Easter!! She went to her first mass and was such a good girl. She slept pretty much the entire time and was such a doll in her new Easter dress and bonnet.
And finally, Emma has started solid foods! Since she is now 6 months adjusted age, our pediatrician recommended that she should be starting solids for the socialization. The kidneys develop very quickly, even in preemies, so they are able to start solids at their actual, not adjusted age. Emma's first solid was avocado, and she did a great job with it!! Yum!!
haha! You guys are so funny! Growing up is hard, Emma, but we all know you're a tough chick. Glad to read everything is going so well and we can't wait to see you in a few weeks! <3 Dionnes