Tuesday, January 25, 2011

101 Days

Day 101

Well, we have officially hit triple digits!  Emma is 101 days old today.  We are happy to report that it looks like we are finally making some progress with her bottle feeding!  Emma took her whole bottle this morning, and didn't have any brady's or desats!!  Since she did so well, she is now getting the bottle every third feeding instead of once per shift!  She took 40 out of 45 cc's at her second feeding today too!  I was able to be there to do the second feeding and she did a great job.  The last time I fed her was Sunday night, and she seemed much more coordinated even in just that short time.  She just started getting a little bit sleepy toward the end so we didn't push her to take the last 5 cc's.  We are very happy that she is moving forward!

We are also thrilled to report that Emma had another eye appointment with the retina specialist and she has no more retinopathy!!!!  Whatever minimal damage she had has now resolved and her eyes look great!!  She will probably have an appointment with a pediatric opthamologist in a couple months just as a follow-up, but we are so excited that this has healed on its own.  Emma truly is a little miracle. 

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