Sunday, June 29, 2014


In November, we headed up to MA for a ceremony honoring my late grandparents.  
Emma got to hang out with her awesome cousins on the hay wagon while we were there.  

She also got a chance to go to the barn and go for a pony ride with Memere and Grandpa.  

We spent Thanksgiving with Grandma, Bumpa, and Aunt Lauren!  

Emma had a great time hanging out with her other awesome cousins!  

Emma Turns 3!

I last left off in September with Emma sporting a broken arm. Around that time, she started preschool!  She went twice a week for 2.5 hours each.  She loved school, learned a lot, and made some new friends!  Here she is on her first day:

Shortly after, Emma's cast was changed out for the shorter purple version.  She was very excited!  This one stayed on for about 3 weeks or so.  The cast came off the day before her birthday and she got some more x-rays done afterwards.  Everything has been healing up great, and she is nice and strong!  You wouldn't even know it happened.

Speaking of her birthday, Emma turned 3!  We spent the day at Bear Mountain Park visiting the zoo.  We had a blast!  It was a gorgeous fall day.  

 We ended the day with a merry-go-round ride, a giant birthday cupcake and of course, candles to be blown out!  

The only way to eat a cupcake:

We had a little get together to celebrate the big "0-3" that weekend.  

Emma was spoiled with many gifts by her wonderful family.  Then it was time for her favorite part - more candles!  

Happy 3rd birthday, Emma!  You are growing into such a wonderful girl.  You are so smart, and you are learning new things every day.  You are so kind, and love to share and give hugs and kisses.  You are hilarious, and love to tell jokes and make people laugh.  You are beautiful, inside and out!  We love you so much!  

Tap, tap - is this thing on?

Well, hello there!  It's been awhile since my lost post, huh?  A lot has happened in these last 9 months - Emma's story now includes a baby sister!  I have been mulling over what to do with the blog for awhile now.  Should I rename this one and keep going?  Should I leave Emma's blog as is, and start a whole new one?  I haven't decided yet, but in the meantime, I'll catch up Emma's story until the arrival of her sister.  Feel free to leave suggestions in the comments for a new blog name!