We had an absolutely wonderful day today celebrating the big 2. We took Emma to the Bronx Zoo for the first time (first time for Mom, too!) and it was perfect. The weather was beautiful, it wasn't very crowded, and there was so much to see! Matt has many fond memories of visiting there with his family (and especially the nearby Botanical Gardens), so it was extra-special for us too.
Here are some of our favorite shots!
Emma's new winter hat. She loves it. Or the animals. Probably the animals.
These little fellas were all over the place!
Giraffes! Probably one of my favorite exhibits. They are just extraordinary to see in person.
Emma thought they were cool too!
We tried getting a shot of us with the giraffe in the background, but Emma was a little distracted by the giant animal doing laps behind her. I guess you can't blame her!
African dogs!
Flamingoes! (FYI, they are pink because of what they eat - mostly shrimp. Fun fact of the day.)
Yawning brown bear.
I just love the look of wonder and learning in her eyes. That's what this is all about!
Of course she found some furniture to climb on ;)
Cool pumpkin carving. The whole zoo was all decorated for fall - hay bales, corn stalks, mums everywhere - very festive!
Emma didn't want to wear her hat anymore, so Mommy borrowed it.
The sea lions!
This guy kept popping up to say hello everytime he swam by. Emma loved him!
Attack of the toddler!
Big kitty!
Coca-cola dude!
Bye, peacock! See you next time!
Tired 2-year-old, time to go home. She was such a trouper and rested up on the drive home for more festivities.
So when we got home, we had some birthday cake in the shape of Emma's favorite character - Elmo!
In case anyone was wondering, Emma had no problem eating her favorite character, Elmo. He was delicious!
Happy birthday, Emma! We love you with all our hearts. Love, Mom & Dad.